Friday 11 December 2009

Christmas Time!

Jevs Illustration has been very busy working on a few Christmas related projects this festive season. This includes a printed Christmas Card and animated web banner for Applied Web Analytics. Also, after the success of the welcome card created for YSJ University in August, I have been asked by the Vice Chancellor to create this years animated ecard. My brief was to create a cute and fun Christmas scene that YSJ can send out to all their important contacts.

The card has been a success and YSJ are very happy with animation. Below you can see an image from the YSJ ecard and the printed AWA card.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday 22 August 2009

YSJ University

I have been commissioned by York St John University to produce a welcome greetings card for new students starting this academic year. I had to illustrate the front of the card, design a map of York and include an illustrated bookmark. The card was then given to all first year students to welcome them to YSJ University.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Yorkshire Humberside Police

I've been working with friend and colleague Dhyan Design ( to produce several Flash based games for the Yorkshire Humberside Police. I have also worked with Lazenbybrown ( and Image Data Group ( to produce several leaflets to accompany the games. The security campaign has been broadcast on both the TV and radio.

More leaflets and games are in the pipeline.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Small Planet

I created this illustration in Photoshop using my new Wacom Intuos 4 drawing tablet. The tablet is great fun to use and makes drawing and painting feel much more natural than any other tablet. I'm looking forward to using it more!

Thursday 2 April 2009

Freelance Illustration

I've been crazy busy these past few months, and had little time to post stuff on the blog.

First of all, I have taken the plunge into freelancing full-time which is pretty exciting. I have worked on some fun projects already and have also just launched my illustration website, Jevs Illustration.

I have also moved into new office space in the city centre of York and have met some really lovely creative people.

I will try and update the blog as and when I get spare time, adding both commercial and personal projects. In the meantime you can see my portfolio at:


Saturday 14 February 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I painted this card for my girlfriend for valentines day. Unfortunately my G5's hard drive just died, so I lost all the files aside from this Jpg. Thankfully I backed up most of my stuff so I haven't lost too much stuff. Looks like it's time to buy a new Mac.

Have a great Valentines Day and remember, always back up! :-D