Sunday 14 February 2010

York Professionals Exhibition Stand

I recently collaborated with the good folks at United By Design to create an exhibition stand and leaflets for York Professionals VentureFest 2010 stand. The process involved creating different business characters such as IT Support, PR and Legal in Adobe Illustrator. The design was finished in Indesign by UBD Studio.

The exhibition stand and leaflets was very well received and helped York Professionals have a successful day at VentureFest event.

in the images above, you can see three of the vector characters, a photo of the various leaflets and a rather blurry photo of the stand taken on my iPhone at the exhibition.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Happy New Year!

A belated Happy New Year from Jevs Illustration! I am currently working on a slight website redesign with new content to be added shortly.

I'll also try to share more of my illustrations and include tips, tricks and perhaps the odd tutorial too.

Here is a recent character created in Illustrator to get the ball rolling...
